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cups are robust, to convey an idea of the
warmth of the roasting process
and the passion of taste. The fine,
light hue of the china is combined with a modern
The whiteness of the body of the cup contrasts
with the warmth of the trade mark and the elegant,
unusual coffee-coloured plastic handle.
The cups line was carefully designed to provide
the best for coffee-drinking enjoyment,
so that the blend should release all its
fragrance and aroma, as befits the best
of coffees.
The top-quality white, lucid, low-porosity
chinaware allows for perfect cleaning.
The inside is conical and egg-shaped, making for
a perfect head and optimal percolation.
Cup thickness is due to the need to maintain
the temperature. The shape of the saucer
is unique, and is perfect for holding the china
cups. |